
Our video for supporting athletes
What is “Athletes’ dependence” the target
of this project?
What is “Athletes’ dependence” the target of this project?
Our project supports the psychological development and careers of university athletes who play in international and national sports competitions. We conduct research to provide psychological support to the athletes who are entering university with special recommendations of sports, the athletes who enroll in a department related to physical education, and people around them.
Support may start when athletes have troubles in mental health and physical conditions during their athletic careers. For example, injuries, loss of appetite, poor performance, troubles with interpersonal relationships, absence from practice or school, and gambling addiction.
Our project explores the psychological situations underlying these problems and examines the effective support for athletes during their athletic careers.
We hope that our project will interest not only university athletes, but also their families, coaches, and friends. We also invite high school students and younger to this project.
小川千里(Olivia C. OGAWA)・煙山千尋(Chihiro KEMURIYAMA)
